Lock 3 is conveniently located next to the Fairbanks Centre and the main parking lot for Shubie Park. It was constructed in the American style, in sharp contrast to Lock 1, and has been partially restored.
Just north of Lock 3, you will find a section of the canal called the Deep Cut, which runs from Hart Bridge to Lake Charles. Prior to the construction of the canal, there was no watercourse from Lake Charles to Lake Micmac. From Lake Micmac to Hart Bridge, creating this channel mostly only required the removal of earth. From this point to Lake Charles, however, workers had to dig through solid bedrock to create a channel deep enough to be navigable. This was notoriously expensive and labour-intensive, taking about three years to complete. Many of the stones cut out from the bedrock still line the edges of the Deep Cut today.
Robert Walsh Photography - Lock 3