Are you related to James Young or William Patterson?

We have been publishing brief articles regarding the Irish and Scottish workers who came to Dartmouth in the late 1820s to work on the Shubenacadie Canal.   The best known group arrived on the ship Corsair in 1827 and were very soon at work.  We don’t know very much about the homes they lived in but it is believed they built one room stone dwellings similar to those they had left in their homelands.  It is interesting to note that the area around Sullivans Pond and between Octerloney St and Prince Albert Rd was known as Irishtown.  In keeping with this the lower part of Pine St is now named Irishtown Rd. Two of the workers who are believed to have lived here with their families were James Young and William Patterson.  They were both stone masons.  Might either of these two names “ring a bell”?