A Tale of Two Bridges

Good news for paddlers!

In Fall River and Waverley there are bridges that pass over the Shubenacadie Canal Waterway, between Lake Thomas and Lake Fletcher, and Lake William and Lake Thomas respectively. Historically, there was a bridge built over the canal at Waverley for a railway, but today it is a road bridge.

This railroad bridge contributed to the downfall of the canal as a commercial enterprise by preventing boats from traveling up and down the canal. Similarly, the current day Waverley bridge prevented paddlers from traversing the waterway, as it was too shallow to take watercraft through. If you wanted to paddle from Lake William to Lake Thomas, you had to portage, until now.

The centre line under the Waverley bridge has been cleared of rocks, and, when the water rises after construction on the Fall River bridge is completed, there should be a clear channel for small boats under the bridge. Paddlers should be able to travel freely along the historic waterway once more.

The same should be true for the Fall River bridge when it is completed. Workers are being careful not to in-fill the central channel with rock. When the water level rises again, there should be a clear channel for paddlers and animals alike.

– Martin Earle